
My Yoga Journey

My yoga journey began when I was in high school. I was finishing up my athletic career and was looking for a new way to stay fit. I quickly became a hot yoga fanatic and was always looking to master challenging arm balances and inversions. It wasn’t until I began and completed my 200-Hour RYT with Petra Lehman-Brauer at Create Power Yoga in 2016 that I found more surrender in my yoga practice. Upon graduating I made my mark as a strong Power Yoga teacher while still playing with creative sequencing in my classes. I continued my yoga education through several Hands-on Assisting Trainings and have found great reward helping those who wish to receive guidance through physical touch. In addition, I completed my 300-Hour RYT with Down Under School of Yoga with Natasha Rizopoulos as my lead trainer in December of 2020. During this training, I worked to define my voice as a teacher and dive deeper into anatomy, breath work, sequencing, and yoga theory. Before I am a teacher I am always a student, and I believe that there is always room to grow and learn. In September 2021, I began a dedicated Ashtanga practice with Randy Aromando. This practice has taken me deeper into my yoga studies and greatly inspires my current teaching.